Thursday, January 3, 2013

So How Are Those Resolutions Coming?

So where are we all at on this resolution thing on day three of 2013.  I hope everyone has started off the year the way they wanted and are changing those things they want in their lives.  If you have not that is OK. I'm sure many of us have not gone to the gym or skipped dessert.  Guess what the Resolution Police will not be knocking on your front door.  Why oh why do resolutions seem to be things that are good for you or more things you really deep down don't want to do. Then when you slip you feel bad about yourself. 
So here is my question why can't resolutions be fun, silly and more about making you happy and seeing how wonderful you and the world really can be.  No one really wants to lose weight, eat right or save money. I'm not saying these are bad goals and by all means do these things because it will make you a healthier person physically as well as financial.  Don't tie them to the beginning of a new year. The New Year is like starting a new book and how many of us would keep reading if it started out like the promises we make to ourselves at this time of year.  You would toss the book in the corner declaring it was the most boring  thing you had ever read.
This is the time of the year to look ahead with hope and joy. Making  resolutions to have more fun, be with people you enjoy and do things you love really sounds like a better way to start off the year.  Think of the fun it would be when someone asks you what your New Years Resolution is and you say " Eat More Chocolate."  This is the way to start the next 365 days of your life.  Imagine waking up in the morning and thinking today I'm going to _________ because it makes me HAPPY.
Personally I don't make resolutions but this year I have made a few and most of them are things that I would enjoy doing.
  1. Do more things that make my heart and soul sing.
2. Take more photos.
3. Enjoy things close to home and do more day trips.
4. Rock the boat.
OK   if the list to be legitimate has to have something healthy on it here it is and it is a BIG ONE!
5. Cut out artificial sweeteners

So on day three of the New Year I have not only been doing what I promised myself I would do but I am enjoying myself. Today I visited a new park and took a some photos. Also I have really done well on the artificial sweeteners. My most favorite one of rocking the boat. I have an 18 year son at home and I can a sure you the resolution is kept many times a day.
So tomorrow when you get up take a look at that list and remember there is no law that says you can't rewrite or even have no list at all.